Main/Media/Новости/Exhibition-forum "AgroComplex" in Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

Exhibition-forum "AgroComplex" in Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

06.04.2023 Exhibition-forum "AgroComplex" in Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

In the period from March 21 to March 24, 2023, CJSC ATS took part in the XXXIII International Exhibition "AgroComplex".

The organizers were the Government of Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Bashkortostan and Bashkir Exhibition Company with the support of Veterinary Administration of Republic of Belarus.

Brief results of "AgroComplex-2023":
• 17,600 sq.m. exhibition area (gross): - 8 600 sq.m. internal exposure (gross); - 9 000 sq.m. open area (gross).
• 180 pieces of equipment were presented on the open square in front of the VDNKhEXPO exhibition complex.
• 340 companies from 37 regions of Russia and countries of near and far abroad.
• 22,340 visitors to the exhibition.
• 365 speakers from 25 regions of Russia and the Republic of Belarus.

At the exhibition, the company presented a complex for applying plant protection products using unmanned aerial vehicles, which includes several unmanned aerial vehicles (Agrodron A60-X) located on an off-road vehicle base.

Within the framework of the exhibition, the stand of CJSC ATS was visited by a government delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russian Federation Razin A.V. and the Head of Republic of Bashkortostan Khabirov R.F.

Demonstration for the rector and management of the Bashkir State Agrarian University


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